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What is Computer?

Computer is a machine which is used to perform all major works in world especially calculations, scientific works and most others including film making and graphics. The term computer is derived from compute which means to calculate. At the beginning computer was made to calculate as according to computer historians that the first computer was Abacus. By definition a computer is an electronic device which processes the raw data and turn them into information, here raw data means  data which are not arranged and information means arranged data which gives meaning or sense, the computers run by electrical signals on and off, they are also called binary numbers as 1s and 0s. By the time when the first electronic computer was made that was too big like a room and it consumed all the electric power of the area. At the modern days computers are too much famous because of their use and they are common everywhere. People use desktop computers, laptop computers or smart phones all are modern computers. Furthermore, after the arrival of computers there were great computer revolutions as networks, AI, Web and
so on. All organizations which have data , today that must depend on computer, all banks , multinational companies, automobile companies and other offices are dependent on the computer.
A computer consists hardware and software. Hardwares are the physical components of a computer and softwares are the logical components which controls the hardware. Computer takes input from users and give correct output.
Charles Babbage made the first electronic computer so he is called the father of computer.
Why computers?
Computers are useful and necessary because computer are fast and efficient. Computers can do a lot of things such as calculations, graphics design, film making, software making, gaming, and mostly it is used for communication after the invention of internet. The time is changing and technology is changing also.Computers are very much powerful in the world because computers are fast.

Computers in education
Computers are useful in education because today internet is a great source of learning and to use internet everyone needs a computer after all. Computer in education sector can help students and teachers both to communicate anytime and they can create forums to learn as Google Classroom.

Computers in economic
The modern economy cannot run without computers. Economic companies or Banks need computers for fast calculations, communication among other computers, transactions. These are all performed by computers.

Computers in Military
Military is always the first department which uses computers. Computers are very useful in military because they use it for many purposes as controlling the military devices and machines (as tanks, trajectory etc).

Computers For Gaming
Gaming computers are personal computers which are useful for playing video games. These computers have very expensive VGA cards which performs very well for graphics.
What is Computer? What is Computer? Reviewed by Unknown on 03:52 Rating: 5

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