The Quantum Computing means Quantum programming. By Quantum means that it is a field of physics which deals with quantum mechanics and recently google and NASA has jointly made a computer called Quantum computer, it was built by combined works of computer scientists and physicists. According to google experts that early fastest computer was called supercomputers but Quantum computers have over come the supercomputers.
The so called quantum computers are very much fast. The experts have said about this computer that if one should find a page or word of a book from the all books of the world, it finds the page within seconds but quantum computer is now not available as a desktop, laptop or smart phone computer. Because it is new and very big, so it takes time to make this big computer small, like the first computer was too big and by the passage of time, the computer smaller and smaller. However, the all computers before Quantum computers are called classical computers because Quantum is the modern generation of computers. Quantum computer run normally like classical computer but classical computers use two bits 0s and 1s to process data and Quantum uses three bits where 0s and 1s are same, and the third one is called Qbit which means Quantum bit. This bit is 0 and 1 at the same time it is called superposition of both bits.
The Quantum Computing
Reviewed by Unknown
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