Computer hardwares are the components from which a computer is made. Hardware is the physical parts of computer such as system units, monitors/ LCDs/ LEDs, keyboard, mouse and so on. These components together can make a computer fully functional and they have their own separate functionalities.
System unit
A system unit is a container which contains all the necessary components which a computer needs to operate successfully. Such as Processor,RAM,Storage,ROM,Mother Board,Fan,CD or DVD Room, and CMOS.
Monitors,LCDs or LED are used to display the computed results. Monitor is a display unit which uses a tube to display the results. it is also called CRT Cathode Ray Tube. In the CRT there is a gun which fires phosphorus through the grids in CRT that forms colors. LCDs and LEDs are also for the same purpose but they use different criteria.
Keyboard is a device which is used to give input to the computer. It is like a keyboard of type writer which has letters symbols and numbers. It is the primary source of input.
Mouse is a device which is used to give input to computer by pointing. It is held by hand and moved here and there to move the cursor on the screen and point the objects on the screen.
There are many other devices as printers , scanners, joysticks...
System unit
A system unit is a container which contains all the necessary components which a computer needs to operate successfully. Such as Processor,RAM,Storage,ROM,Mother Board,Fan,CD or DVD Room, and CMOS.
- Processor is the main component in the computer, it is on the Motherboard and it performs all the calculations in computer.
- RAM is a Storage device which stores data temporarily. It is also called volatile memory because hen the computer is turned off the stored data gets removed.
- Storage device is that device when data is needed to be stored then it is stored here permanently.
- ROM stands for read only memory it is a storage device which stores data when computer is turned off while RAM stores data till computer is turned on, as soon as it is turned off the stored data gets removed form the device, but ROM stores it, this is why ROM is call non-volatile memory.
- Motherboard is a board in the System Unit which contains all other components as RAM, ROM ,CMOS etc. there are small lines through which they throw electrical signal to one another.
- Fan is a small fan on motherboard to the processor cool while the system is on and it generates heat.
- CD or DVD Room is a component in computers which reads and writes data on CDs and DVDs.
- CMOS stands for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, it is the storage device which stores the security informations of computer as password etc, and also system information.
Monitors,LCDs or LED are used to display the computed results. Monitor is a display unit which uses a tube to display the results. it is also called CRT Cathode Ray Tube. In the CRT there is a gun which fires phosphorus through the grids in CRT that forms colors. LCDs and LEDs are also for the same purpose but they use different criteria.
Keyboard is a device which is used to give input to the computer. It is like a keyboard of type writer which has letters symbols and numbers. It is the primary source of input.
Mouse is a device which is used to give input to computer by pointing. It is held by hand and moved here and there to move the cursor on the screen and point the objects on the screen.
There are many other devices as printers , scanners, joysticks...
Computer Hardwares
Reviewed by Unknown
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