$149.99 for Teclast M89 Tablet PC - CHAMPAGNE


Keyboard is an input devices which is used to give command or instructions to the computer and is one of the primary input device for computer. Basically the keyboard has been made for typewriters first, later when computers came into use then they attached keyboard as an input device. The type writer was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1877. The normal keyboards which people use today are called qwerty keyboards, by its name it is obvious that these keyboards have a sequence of keys on it. Still the computer experts are designing the same keyboards for modern computers as an efficient keyboard layout.There are two major keyboard types first is BASIC and the second is called EXTENDED. The BASIC keyboards are normally used in Desktop computers and they contain 104 keys on it. On the other hand EXTENDED keyboards are customized keyboards for the systems.
Keyboard Keyboard Reviewed by Unknown on 08:46 Rating: 5

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